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The "Detector Technology and Systems Platform" is an initiative of the centers and institutes of the Helmholtz research field "Structure of Matter". The initiative will provide access to the latest detector technologies and cutting-edge detectors for all research fields in the Helmholtz association and connected universities as well as international partners. It has been selected by the Helmholtz portfolio process as one candidate for a new research topic and will be continued as program topic in the next funding period
Technologies for Integrated Detectors
Communication & Analysis
Detector Prototypes
High-Z Sensors
Mixed-Signal ASICs
Innovative Detector Materials
Electronic Packaging
Intelligent Programmable Electronics
Optical Transmission for Detectors
Fastest Data Processing with Highly Parallel Architectures
Fast Photon & X-Ray Detectors
Diamond Detectors
Detectors for Thermal Neutrons
Compact Gas Detectors
Photons, Neutrons & Ions
Astro-Particle Physics
Hadrons & Nucleons
Biomedical Engineering
Particle Physics
Material Research

The "Detector and Systems Platform" is active in three strategic fields:

The first two pillars develop and evaluate technologies for future detectors. Key elements are sensors with high intrinsic spatial and energy resolution, sensors high quantum efficiency and X-ray absorption, modern readout electronics, packaging technologies for 3D integration of sensors and electronics and optical data transmission at the detector level. The third pillar will use these technologies to realize sample applications with selected detector types.

Most of the investigated technologies are not only relevant for single Helmholtz programs but of strategic importance for the whole research field “Structure of Matter”. Moreover there is an increasing demand for modern detectors for fundamental research and many parts in society. The forth pillar “Cross Disciplinary Applications” has been founded to support applications fields outside of fundamental research and Helmholtz. The “Detector Technology and Systems Platform” is open to interdisciplinary cooperation and is interested in fast transfer of detector technologies.