The reduction of passive material and hence the increase in radiation-length is essential for future detection systems for nuclear- and particle physics experiments. A promising solution is the use of multifunctional materials, i.e. materials that achieve several functions at the same time. One example to mention are PCB substrates with improved mechanical characteristics or higher thermal conductivity.
Goals and Plans
In the framework of the work package "Advanced Materials" new material solutions will be tested for their usability in future detection systems and their mechanical, thermal and electrical properties will be investigated.
In the domain of gas detectors great effort is made to develop structural materials with optimized volume conductance that can be used for the generation of large-volume homogeneous electric fields. These field generating structures should have the required mechanical stability and at the same time act as a carrier for electronics components. The aim of the project is to produce a detector prototype that features besides the mechanical stability also a high thermal conductivity that ensures an efficient cooling. Within the third pillar the etablished results will be used in a prototype gas detector.
The increasing granularity of semiconductor tracking detectors leads to more gluings and sandwich-constructions. Moreover, sandwich-constructions have the potential to significantly increase the radiation-length of detectors. The different thermal expansion coefficients of conventional materials and the desired operation temperature of about -20°C result however in unwanted stress and deformation. These stresses can cause a decrease in sensor life-time.
It is planned to test materials with adjustable thermal expansion coefficients that could reduce thermal stress when integrated inside a sandwich construction. This will also guarantee long-term stability over many thermal cycles. The gained results will be used in the layout of a prototype module and the Helmholtz-Cube, with which one can study the production of these kind of detectors and their characteristics over a longer period.
Within the framework of the work package it is planned to mature the infrastructure and expertise available at each participating institute and intensify the link between institutes. Furthermore, the obtained results will enter and improve boundary-element, finite-element and computational-fluid-dynamics-analyses. The established expertise will be made available to all participating institutes.
Task Allocation